Business Coaching

Individual coaching in challenging situations:

Orientation by beacons and pilots Sometimes the weather changes suddenly.

Maybe it’s clouding our view or is it getting stormy? Working life also has surprises in store for us: Challenges, seemingly unsolvable problems, inner insecurity, strenuous conflicts with superiors or employees, difficult decisions. They all demand attention, cost energy and slow us down.

Here, individual coaching can provide target-oriented support as orientation for management, executives and employees.

This professional support is used as a source of inspiration, to open up new perspectives, new alternatives for action or to illuminate conflicts and individual problems in a professional context.

Use your individual coaching if you:

  • Would like to take a closer look at conflicts with superiors, managers or employees
  • Need orientation and support in a change process (restructuring, change of supervisor, etc.)
  • Are planning a career change (change to management position, termination or re-start etc.)
  • Would like to review, structure or re-evaluate professional goals
  • Want to be well prepared for an important interview or a negotiation
    (salary negotiation, appraisal interview, job interview, etc.)

Our consultants are experienced process facilitators and long-standing managers themselves, who will work with you on your topic in a spirit of trust.

The focus is on a change of perspective, working on your self-efficacy, options for action and specific knowledge transfer.

Individual coaching is one thing above all: A matter of trust.

That is why we offer you a non-binding initial contact. We will discuss how individual coaching can be designed in a target-oriented manner for your topic. Depending on the topic, accompaniment is possible on an hourly basis or on a daily basis.

We work with you personally on site, hybrid or by phone. Call us or send us an email.

We are just a phone call away.

Your contact:

Fabrice Ruth Dissieux
T +49 6173 78202-20